Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Week of Sept 23 -Sept 27th

 Election Websites for Political Scrapbook

Political Parties Assignment was due today, and can be handed into the bin. Students are strongly encouraged to work on their Political Scrapbook on a nightly basis, and is now due on Oct 15.
Please see last's week blog for the scrapbook assignment details. See the links below for assistance.

Mclean's   Federal Political Parties Platforms

Vote Compass - A tool to determine your views and where you stand on the political spectrum

CBC: Party's Platforms   Oct 1st polls

In ELA, students will begin their Gothic Unit next week and read stories written by Edgar Allan Poe. They will eventually write their own Gothic narrative stories.

Lesson 5&6 LP 5&6

9-1 Science
Students should have completed a research project proposal and had it approved/signed by Mr. Davis. They will have approximately 10 full class periods to work on their projects (2 days each week). This is a significant amount of time and the results of their research need to reflect the time invested in the research. Each student has an extensive outline of the project expectations (example: references, rubrics, plagiarism) as well as ideas of how to show their learning. In addition to the project work, students have been continuing to learn about recent advances in space science and technology.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Week of Sept 20th

ELA and Social.

We have continued with the theme of Identity, by reading the story 'Secret Life of Walter Mitty' and completing the tasks. These tasks are for homework in they haven't handed them in on Friday and extra copies are on the front table if they need one.

In Social Studies, we have started to learn more about the federal government and the election process. Students will been given an assignment to create a scrapbook about the election. Please see the link for a copy of the assignment which is due October 11th:

Election Scrapbook Assignment

We have been having some great conversations  about the federal government and I am impressed with the knowledge students have about the election. A testament to the great conversations that families are having.

Math and Science.

Students just wrote a basic math test on fractions and decimals. They are now building their skills in calculating percentage off and taxes. There will most likely be another test on this later next week. In Science students are continuing to deepen their understanding of what things scientists are currently studying in space, where most of the focus is being placed and where the future of space research will be directed. Students have just been introduced to a research project in space that is more self directed to increase their choice and interest. Ask your child what they are doing their research on.

Math and Science: Mr. Davis: cvdavis@cbe.ab.ca

Monday, September 16, 2019

Fake News Assignment

Is the link for our FAKE NEWS Assignment




Friday, September 13, 2019

Week of Sept 9th-14th


Where does the time go... Already two weeks in and we are settled in nicely. Students are aware that most of my assignments will be given out on the Monday with the expectation that they are due on the Friday. This way they will not have homework on the weekend and I will be.... marking.

What a great opportunity for our Grade 9 students to develop a better understanding of the Federal Election process, when it actual occurs (October 21st). Please continue to have conversations about the election with your child. We will be participating in Student Vote this year, and will begin with the Federal Government Unit (the election process and the structure of the federal political system in Canada). We started to look at developing their own  political values and views by comparing the zoo vs  jungle.

In ELA we are looking at text with the theme of identity. This past week we read a short story Identities.  Students will work on making a mask that represents both sides of them: light/dark We will continue with the Road Not Taken poem and discuss the path they can choose.

Have a great week,

Jennifer Thorpe Fedchun

For Math and Science questions, please contact cvdavis@cbe.ab.ca

Wednesday, September 4, 2019


Welcome to 9.1 Homeroom

I am looking forward to working with and getting know each of you this year.  I will be teaching ELA and Social this year and have a lot of fantastic ideas planned, so it is important that we keep an open mindset.  I love class spirit and feel that is is important that we all work together. You are now the leaders of the school and your last year at DTS, so lets work together to make it a great one!
If you need to contact me, please email me at jlthorpefed@cbe.ab.ca

Looking forward to a great year!
Ms. J. Fedchun


This week in ELA we are creating a BOOKFLIX board for our Learning Commons, each grade 9 student will write a review of their favourite book to be displayed on the board. We will also begin reading a short story & poem about identity and self discovery.

In Social Studies we will begin with the Quality of Life Unit. We will be comparing Q of L with Standard of Living through a variety of assignments. The federal election will take place in October, so please read articles and listen to news to gain a better insight about the election process and to begin developing your own political views.